Alpha Kappa Psi's Convention is a biannual conference hosted by the national organization. It is an opportunity for members of the William & Mary Chapter of AKPsi to network with and learn from real-world professionals, industry experts, and brothers & alumni from other AKPsi chapters. It is an opportunity for members of our chapter to shape decisions about the future of Alpha Kappa Psi as an organization through important meetings and voting procedures. It is also a great opportunity for our members to develop professionally and listen to experiences from professionals in many of our desired industries. All in all, it is a fantastic event that will allow students in William & Mary's AKPsi chapter to grow personally and professionally and incorporate ideas that are learned at the conference back here on campus.
Your contribution will provide support for Alpha Kappa Psi members to participate in distinguished leadership opportunities, including the Principled Business Leadership and the Conference.
Fund Name: Professional Dev. for AKPsi
Purpose: To provide support for Alpha Kappa Psi members to participate in distinguished leadership opportunities, including the Principled Business Leadership and the Conference.