Title: The Influence of Germ Theory on the Evolution of Perceptions of Tuberculosis in the United Kingdom in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries
Project Description:
Using grant money from the Charles Center for archival access, I plan to research the medical, social, and personal perceptions of Europeans, particularly the British, diagnosed with tuberculosis between 1870 and 1920. The goal of my project would be to further our understanding of how an increasingly scientific and medicalized conceptualization of TB after the 1882 discovery of its bacillus changed TB patient's understandings of themselves, as well as the way the world around them viewed them and their condition.
Hometown: Charlottesville, Virginia
Department: History
Advisor: Kathrin Levitan
Each William & Mary Honors Fellowships donation supports the whole Charles Center Honors Fellowships Fund. Donations inspired by specific research projects are distributed by the Charles Center in a way that benefits that project and others. To learn more about Honors Fellowships, please visit our website.
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View All DonorsAffiliation | Donors | $ Raised |
1975 | 1 | $200 |
1989 | 1 | $100 |